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Discussed in the Bangalore Workshop, Dec 2013


You can handle epilepsy very easily by Bach Flower Remedies. Every day night, take White Chestnut, Walnut, Crap Apple and Aspen. During the day time take Star of Bethlehem and Mimulus, three to four pills, twice a day.

This will decrease the frequency of the attack.

During the attack, put Rescue Remedy in a cup of water and put the water on the lips of the patient for every two or three minutes.

After two months of taking these remedies, the epilepsy attack will come to almost to zero.

After the episodes are over continue with Star of Bethlehem alone for two to three more months.

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Irritable bowel syndrome


I have irritable bowel which had gone for a decade and now returned. I am currently on bowel relaxative and want to speed up recovery so I can get back to work rapidly.


Chant IMPATIENS or take this Bach flower remedy 2 pills three times.

In addition, take the Basic remedies for irritable bowel syndrome: WHITE CHESTNUT, MIMULUS and HORNBEAM. This combination will cut the fear of expecting the bowels at any time.

The fear will be constant – always thinking about it fearfully. For most of the people, when they have to go out, fear develops and they go to the toilet and does not start easily, which is covered by Hornbeam.