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Scoliosis or Spinal curvature


Could you please suggest switch words and Bach flowers to improve my daughter back (suffering from scoliosis)?


Scoliosis is the spinal curvature.  Tell me whether it is congenital. You also have not mentioned the age of your daughter.

Chant the angel number 33 over a glass of water and give her that water and rub that water over the spine too.

Give the Bach Flower Remedy CENTAURY and Gem Remedy RUBY pills to her regularly.

(Message for you) if you have deposited or given any money to get more interest, stop that.

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Find the right doctor


I am having BP 160-100 since few days and feeling pain back of head especially at night. I am unable to sleep. Also, I am feeling numbness on left side of face, tongue, and left hand. My homeopath says due to hyperacidity BP is increasing. Pls help and guide


This is a serious one. Consult a right doctor.  To find a right doctor, chant CERATO.

Irritable bowel syndrome


I have irritable bowel which had gone for a decade and now returned. I am currently on bowel relaxative and want to speed up recovery so I can get back to work rapidly.


Chant IMPATIENS or take this Bach flower remedy 2 pills three times.

In addition, take the Basic remedies for irritable bowel syndrome: WHITE CHESTNUT, MIMULUS and HORNBEAM. This combination will cut the fear of expecting the bowels at any time.

The fear will be constant – always thinking about it fearfully. For most of the people, when they have to go out, fear develops and they go to the toilet and does not start easily, which is covered by Hornbeam.