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Use the ‘I Am Sorry’ Mantra

“I AM SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME LOVE THANKS DIVINE” is good healing mantra. It can be used in a different ways.

What is the basis of this chanting?

In this world, there only two truths, even though there is polarity everywhere like good – bad, and right – wrong.  Love is the only thing which is true (essential for us). If there is a problem then it means there is lack of love. If there is disharmony then it means there is lack of love.

I am sorry mantra for physical problems

Let us think there is pain, or say you have a headache. So you must chant, “I AM SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME LOVE THANKS DIVINE HEAD ACHE”. For each part of your body, you can do like this. Where there is pain, there is no love. When an organ is not functioning well then that organ is not getting love. This is a simplified form of healing.

I am sorry mantra for organs

Any physical problems you can chant this mantra by calling up the soul of the organ. For example, “I AM SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME LOVE THANKS DIVINE KNEES/EYES/LIVER”.

Suffering from Acne


I am married and in my late 30′s. Had been suffering from acne for many years now.

I have been to the best of doctors who even cater to well-known personalities and have spent a lot of money on various treatments.

While it gets cured, after few months it resurfaces once again. Now, I have ugly scars too and unable to spend any more money on these treatments.


Be in Hara Mudra: Right hand thumb touching the tips little and ring fingers and left hand thumb touching the tips of middle finger and ring finger and chant “I LOVE MYSELF TOTALLY. I RELEASE MY DESIRE FOR APPROVAL.”

Be in this Mudra for 30 minutes and chant the affirmation.


As the patient doesn’t want any remedies I suggested the Mudra to accept and love herself, irrespective of whether she was afflicted with Acne or not.

However, I have a combination that works very well for Acne and it’s not expensive.